1. Huckleberry washrooms All cement areas on the outside should now been pressure washed. All shower floors have now had Epoxy applied and finished. All washrooms have had their walls and ceilings painted with special bathroom paint. All washrooms have had fans installed. All washrooms have received new LED fixtures. New Propane Hot Tanks water installed.
2. ATV/Speed Signage Has been placed up in front of the gate after the gate for ATV directional and speed. Will be looking at the trail to enhance that so that it is safe for ATVs to go a different route and less on the paved road.
3. Gate I’ve still not received the quotes on the gate for relocation closer to highway. That’s probably the general direction we’re going and I’m just waiting to get the quote. That will protect the parking lot, the beach, the ice rink, and provide enhance security. We have not yet come to a decision on key versus fob but if we stay with the key we will be and supplying you new keys to everybody to prevent previous people access who know longer have a lot in Huckleberry. WE will work roll out logistics and communication plan if we proceed with well in advance. 4. Roads Have been repaired where the gravel was over culverts etc. and you should see the new asphalt placed down. And new gravel was placed and compacted at gate entrance. Some grass trimming been done on the sides of the roads as you come in. We will be doing branch removal in the fall to widen it and prepare for snow clearing. In the meantime now that the parking lot is in we’re doing some drainage enhancement for infrastructure protection to the septic field above and the new parking lot and clearing a strip down so that water does not pour onto the septic field a.k.a. the toboggan run and the parking lot at the bottom. We will be giving out a notice so anyone who wants to voluntarily move their vehicle and trailer now would be appreciated but a notice will go out in the first week of August. You’ll have to the end of August to remove your stored vehicle and trailer. We will provide you an alternative spot down by John’s woodlot. But the new lot but is not to be a parking lot for vehicle/trailer storage it is only meant as an enhancement and a benefit for guests of people in Huckleberry and a temporary overflow parking lot for cars. 5. Playground We gave a donation to a Chilliwack Elementary School and our contractor disassembled it and brought it up here. You’ll see a playground lying on the side of the existing septic field. We plan to have that installed so that we have a playground for all the kids and it will be safe and we will reach out to the community to see who might want to come down to help do some fun painting and will have coffee and snacks etc. and the kids might like it too. We will try and make that a fun event with interesting colours and I’ll get advice from John Colburn and Paul Neimi I would imagine we’re talking lots of Tremclad.